Low level laser therapy emits cold laser energy into body tissues that are absorbed by fat cells, which are broken down and absorbed into the body. Incorporating cool-laser technology for eliminating fat deposits around your abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms and other areas of the body, LLLT exposes unwanted fat to low-level laser energy that forces fat cells to expel lipids into your body.
Once outside the cells, this fat is assimilated by the body and eventually removed via natural processes.
LLLT is a good fat reduction treatment for those who have particular problem areas (e.g., muffin top), but are not significantly overweight. Patients must be willing to undergo a strict diet both before and after treatment.
This treatment is not creating any unnatural reaction in the body nor does it affect or damage any surrounding structures such as skin, blood vessels and peripheral nerves. A period of exercise post treatment will ensure the complete metabolism and thus elimination from the body of the free fatty acids.
This treatment takes approximately
60 minutes
Results in 4 -6 weeks.
No downtime.
Is there any downtime?There is roughly a minimum of 10 days downtime after plasma fibroblast treatment where small dots will be visible.
How soon before or after cosmetic injections can I have a Plasma Treatment?It is recommended to wait at least 7 days before or after cosmetic injections so that any post-treatment bruising can settle.
How long before I see results?Many clients see results within a couple of days and further improvement to treated areas at six weeks. Full results are revealed 3 months post treatment.
Does Plasma treatment hurt?Plasma pen treatment is uncomfortable. We recommend you come to your appointment pre-numbed with a topical numbing cream. Some numbing creams can take up to 40 minutes to take full effect. If applying at home, make sure you have allowed enough time for the numbing to take effect prior to your appointment time.
Am I a suitable candidate for Plasma treatment?Plasma pen treatment is a versatile treatment, but it isn’t suitable for certain skin types such as skin that’s dark in tone. For this reason, it’s important to determine your suitability before you go ahead with a plasma treatment for the face or body. This treatment may not be suitable if any of the following applies to you: History of PIH History of keloid scarring Skin tones above Fitz III (eg. medium + skin tones are not suitable, check with your therapist before commencing treatment) Metal plates in the area Open wounds in the area Certain medications Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Herpes Autoimmune disorders Active infections Anti-coagulant medication or conditions Vitiligo Cancer Diabetes Poor healing disorders UV exposure in the last 4 weeks Prescription exfoliants in the last 2 weeks Severe or cystic acne Cosmetic injectables or resurfacing treatments in the last 2-4 weeks Glaucoma Melasma Photosensitising medications