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Double Chin Reduction

A double chin or excess fat under the chin is a source of concern for many and can detract from a balanced and healthy facial appearance, creating a heavy and jowly lower face blurring jawline definition.

Suitable for those with a good size pinchable pocket of fat and excess skin under the chin, our Double chin treatment has been packaged to aggressively respond to the double chin dilemmas so many have.

This treatment not only kills off the excess fat, but also works to tighten loose skin as the fat cells shrink & die. Non-invasive, no downtime, see remarkable results that give a natural rejuvenation of the jawline and submental area. This package requires 4 treatments over 8-12 weeks.


To find out more about this, or our other treatments, please contact us at the clinic on 02 4200 9468.


This treatment takes approximately

30 minutes


Pricing from 



Results after 4 treatments.

Minimal downtime.


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